Project Chair: Edmar Dionson
Providing information and history about our JCI organization, both local and international, our vision and mission to the prospect new members. Also, to show the potential members how they can help in the community by becoming active citizens.
One of the objective of this activity is to be able to recruit new members that will help the organization grow for the better. The new recruits will also learn what we do in JCI, why we do the community services, outreach programs, fellowships and other activities. The branding of JCI Mandaue was also presented to the new recruits. The OTI will also showcase what we do as the leading international young professionals organisation.
During the OTI, we had several slides that presented what the organization is about and the activities that we implemented that had a big impact in our community by becoming active citizens, better leaders and . There was also a panel-type discussion between the members and the potential recruits. The opportunities that the new recruits will experience was also shown and discussed, from the leadership aspect to business networking, to international exposure with our sister chapters
After the OTI, the new recruits were immediately engaged and active members of JCI Mandaue. Some of them have already chaired projects like the community outreach and fellowship activity with other JCI chapters.