Last May 7, Mandaue Cares, a program for children’s health and development, successfully concluded at Guizo Barangay Hall. It was a day filled with compassion and a strong sense of community. Through the invaluable partnership with Valoroo Cares, and the unwavering support of Barangay Guizo and the SK of Barangay Guizo, we collectively touched the lives of over 500 individuals – 300+ kids and 200+ parents.
A symphony of hope played out as dedicated healthcare professionals diligently checked for signs of malnourishment, conducting wellness and dental check-ups for eager children. The parents, filled with both anticipation and concern, attended engaging lectures on child healthcare, gaining valuable insights into fostering their little ones’ well-being. Meanwhile, laughter echoed through the air as the children reveled in a delightful feast and indulged in fun-filled games and activities.
With Valoroo Cares and volunteer Doctors & Dentists, we created a network of care and compassion, making sure that every child present received the attention they deserved. In this collaborative effort, we had not only provided immediate relief but also planted seeds of health and vitality for a brighter, healthier future.